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SUNDAY SERMON 10/03/2024

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SUNDAY SERMON 10/03/2024

Everything has a place where it begins and ends, there is a period of beginning and a period of ending, and a person is born and there is a period when he dies.
It is important to acknowledge that life is a journey, even if you only move occasionally and return home.
Romans 1:28 “And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;”
Because they were in the desire to reject God, God gave them what they desired and let them follow their wrong minds. A wrong mind will lead you to do wrong things, that is, doing useless things and there is no strength or continuity in doing wrong things.
If you continue not to seek God, you will end up doing wrong things and this will make you cry later. If you leave God in your mind it will cause you to cry at the end, if you see people looking for help, they are under suffering and pain know that in the beginning they rejected God in their mind or consciousness.
From the beginning of creation, God created the sun and organized the entire world so that it rose from east to west. Joshua was the only one who was able to alter this, and he was able to do so because he obeyed God.
In order for the seed to bear fruit, you must bury it in the ground and let it die so that it can germinate, in the same way God made a person as he wanted, that is why you may see that you are short but your son is tall because God wanted it.
Genesis 1:1-3 “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.”
It was vacant because there was no one to take his place. God understood that in order to improve the world as it is, he needed someone to be there and carry out his instructions.
The biggest job we humans have here on earth is not farming, building buildings, working in offices or companies, but the biggest job we have is to gain understanding because without understanding you will do nothing. Today there are many poor and needy people, there is a lot of poverty because very few people are aware of it.
Because of the few who know they are causing the world to be what it is. If it was ten percent (10%) of people with knowledge this world would be something else, but unfortunately only three percent (3%) of people have knowledge are followed by the ten percent (10%). But these three percent (3%) live like kings directing these ten percent (10%) to work so that they can make the world as it is but the original eighty-seven (87%) are consumers and do not produce anything, where are you?
The big task is to gain understanding and understanding is the mind of God, so if you have understanding then you have the mind of God, if you gain understanding whatever you do, you are with him because you have his mind and whatever you do proves to him.
How do you gain understand? When you allow your mind to separate what is best for God and what is best for you and what is best for humans, and also allow your mind to determine what is bad for God, what is bad for you and what is bad for people, once you are able to determine that way then you can now say I have now begun the path of understanding.
When you are on the path of understanding, that is what we call the path of God, he says “my ways are not your ways and your ways are not my ways” but when you are aware then you are walking in his path because you cannot walk in understanding if you do not walk in his ways and always the one who walks in His ways are different from others.